Grants Management

FightMND Streamlines the Application Process and Creates Visibility and Efficiency with Fluxx


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We recently sat down with Bec Sheean, Director of Cure Research and Programs, at FightMND.

About FightMND

FightMND is an Australian-based charity that is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND) (also known as ALS in the United States). It was founded by three individuals impacted by the disease, and seeks to advance research and treatment options for people with MND. They are focused on raising funds for new drugs and access to clinical trials, and to date have raised over $69 million to help patients with the disease.

Growth in Programs Brought the Need for a Centralized Grants Management System

Over the years, FightMND has grown their fundraising programs and, as more funding became available, so did the opportunity to create more programs. The organization started seeing 10-12 new programs opening up each year, creating a need for a system that could help. During this growth period, they were using spreadsheets, documents and attachments to manage the application process, and keeping track of all the data became cumbersome and prone to error. They wanted a solution that would streamline the process, create a centralized place for all their data, and create visibility within their team and work together within the process without losing information. That need brought them to Fluxx.

Creating a Great Grantee Experience

FightMND just recently launched their first round of submissions last year with their Fluxx system and perhaps the first noticeable benefit was in the grantee experience. Instead of receiving hundreds of emails with various attachments, the grantee portal created a centralized place where all submissions lived. This created an unparalleled level of transparency, accuracy and collaborative experience, in that everything was in a single report that they could work on together as a team. The single source of the truth helped them to move faster and reduce any manual efforts they would have in their previous systems.

Managing Multiple Grant Scheme Types in One System

FightMND started with a set number of grant schemes with the help of the Fluxx success team, but since the system was so flexible they were soon able to configure their own schemes to meet additional funding programs. They are expanding their use from their Cure Research programs to include their Research into Care programs and others for future growth. Fluxx has given them the ability to manage a diverse number of grant types with different processes and program parameters - all within a single solution.

Creating Visibility into Outcomes with Robust Reporting

One of the capabilities that Fluxx has been able to provide is the visibility in research outcomes through reporting. Through Fluxx, they can pull reports to select every new outcome and process reports from all the different programs within the reporting period and have them compiled into a single report. This enables them to quickly and efficiently portray a picture of what’s happening on the ground to their board and to the donors who are funding this important research. 

Additionally, they can build unique fields into the system that are most important to their reporting, and as those fields are entered and data populates them, they can immediately see specific outcomes that are unique to their operations, and feed them into a dashboard. The level of configurability and personalization of reporting for FightMND has given them a window into not just data outputs, but outcomes - making their lives’ that much easier while creating visibility and efficiency they never had before.

If you are interested in learning more about the FightMND, you can visit them at: 

If you would like to learn more about Fluxx grants management software, visit us here.

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