

Let’s Redefine How you Collaborate.

Purpose-built for the way grantmakers work, Fluxx creates a workspace  that connects interactions, relationships, and data in a single solution.  

We’d love to talk about it.
Our team of experts can help you determine the solution that will best fit your needs:

Program Overview

What your current programs are and any obstacles to success

Goals and Scoping

What your goals for impact and how technology can help

Solution Options

How Fluxx Solutions can help achieve your goals

Long Term Strategy

What are the long term strategies, and how we can align to them

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  • “We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”

  • "One of the big selling features for me was the community and interaction of other philanthropic leaders and professionals."

  • “We open requests for proposals continuously and have about 200 active grants at any time. Fluxx is able to scale with our needs quite well.”

  • “As an administrator with little to no prior programming experience, the system is easy to maintain, update, and customize.”

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